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July 27th, 2014: 'Hey Siri, The Lord Is My Light And My Salvation!'

So, the "old" me would've been sitting on pins-and-needles all day today while watching the news headlines.

Luke: "Daddy, can you play catch with me?"

Me: "Sorry son, but Daddy's got some very important work to do..."

Luke: "But you're just sitting on the couch on your computer!"

Me: "I know, buddy, but something important's about to happen..."

Luke: (Thinking To Himself) "I thought playing catch with me was important..."

Sure, that's intentionally a tad dramatic for effect, but the gist is spot on.

Yes, believe it or not, there was a time (not so long ago I'm sorry to admit) when that would've been exactly how that conversation would've went on a day like today.

Why, you ask? What's so important about today? You mean to tell me that you didn't know that the Apple iPhone's "Siri" is now a prophetess akin to the Old Testament prophets we read about in the Bible? Didn't you hear what she has predicted for today -- July 27th, 2014? Have a listen...

Siri Says The Gates of Hades Will Open On July 27th, 2014?!?

See, this is what happens when we fail to look to God's Word and Sacraments (not to mention His Son, Jesus) on a regular basis. This is what happens when our faith is misplaced and why just doing anything "In Jesus' Name!" doesn't automatically shield us from criticism that is warranted.

Part of me wants to blame guys like Tim LaHaye of the Left Behind fame, John Hagee, Hal Lindsey, Perry Stone, and a number of Christians who have taken to YouTube with their predictions and warnings of impending doom (and I would be right to lay some of the blame there), but I know better.

I know, from my own past experiences, that part of the blame must land at the feet of people like you and me, or Christians who take such false teachings at face value without testing them against the Word of God (1 Thessalonians 5:21; Acts 17:11).

Yes, we should look outside of ourselves when it comes to finding assurance and confirmation of our faith, but we should never look for "signs of the times" and that's why it's such a clever deception indeed.

We shouldn't be looking outside of ourselves for "signs" in the world's news headlines at all (Matthew 12:39; Matthew 16:4). I didn't quite understand that back then, but I do understand it now, thanks be to God.

Those who used to read my material at the Look Up Fellowship blog years ago would probably respond to my statements here today in anger and disbelief since it's such a complete departure from the things I used to believe and teach as "Biblical truth" and that's why I was glad when the website mysteriously went away let alone why I ultimately decided to seek out and remove any traces of my own false teaching that still existed online from those days.

Today, I don't really want to write a "Tell-All" about my personal story from back then though (that will be for another day I'm sure), but I simply want to reassure my dear brothers and sisters in Christ that they shouldn't give a single thought to Siri's so-called "prediction" for today or even worry should something "unprecedented" or "paradigm-shifting" occur at some point today (or between now and September 3rd, 2014 I suppose, according to many prophetic prognosticators on YouTube who have rightfully "deciphered" Siri's unusual message).

To make my case, I'd kindly refer you to Psalm 27 and what Martin Luther had to say about it as found in Reading The Paslms With Luther.

Why Psalm 27? Well, I figured I might gain some instant credibility with some of you who are "Symbolism Junkies" like I used to be. So, the fact that today's the 27th of July and the content of Psalm 27 is the perfect antidote for anything and everything that many of you believe is in store for this day could be looked at as no coincidence, IMHO.


The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strongholda of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. 3 Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident. 4 One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple. 5 For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. 6 And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the LORD. 7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me! 8 You have said, “Seekd my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do I seek.” 9 Hide not your face from me. Turn not your servant away in anger, O you who have been my help. Cast me not off; forsake me not, O God of my salvation! 10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the LORD will take me in. 11 Teach me your way, O LORD, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies. 12 Give me not up to the will of my adversaries; for false witnesses have risen against me, and they breathe out violence. 13 I believef that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! 14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!


Martin Luther On Psalm 27: "The 27th psalm is a psalm of thanks. However, it also prays much and gives us comfort against the false teachers who give a false witness, blaspheming without any hesitation. For only entirely foolhardy saints would give a witness, bold and impudent, before God -- from whom they have no command! Yet we see it daily: the more foolish and unlearned the people are, the more bold and audacious they are to preach and to teach the whole world. No one knows anything; they alone know all. They prepare themselves to make war and revolt against the true saints and God-fearers. This psalm belongs in the Second and First Commandments and in the First and Second Petitions."

Martin Luther's Prayer After Reading Psalm 27: "Lord, our God, You are merciful and kind, true and faithful. Preserve us in Your Word, and guard Your Church against all oppressors and faithless leaders. Grant peace to our country, and wisdom to our government to protect right and truth, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

Now, you'll have to resist the urge to respond to all of this by saying, "Ah-ha! I knew it! See, the content of this Psalm as well as Luther's comments about it only prove that Siri is right, and that something will happen today like some kind of significant persecution against the Christian Church if not some public action by the Antichrist himself!"
My dear friends, there's always been persecution against Christian saints in all times and in all places and there always will be. It's nothing unique to our day-and-age. Plus, the person of the prophesied Antichrist is not merely a political figure upon the world stage, and the Lutheran Church has historically identified the Papal Office as being anti-Christ and, therefore, held by the Antichrist (settle down you Tom Horn enthusiasts!).

Instead, I pray you respond to all of this with humility and repentance, and rest assured that the Lord is in complete control since nothing man does will ever take Him by surprise, and He's certainly not handcuffed in Heaven without the power to act within His creation simply because this country hasn't attacked that country yet, or because this political figure hasn't risen to power yet.

Again, I get it, because I used to think like that too -- for a really, really long time. It's just not as Biblically sound as you think it is (as I thought it was) and I encourage you to prayerfully consider what I'm trying to tell you here today.

Jesus Christ can return at any moment that He wants to (a moment we can never know in advance; Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32), and He certainly hasn't been sitting on His throne at the right hand of the Father simply waiting for Siri's prediction about today to take place before He can finally do something.

Bottom line? Psalm 27 tells us that David recognizes that when the Lord is on his side, he has nothing to fear. We human beings are prone to fearful responses. We worry about problems in this life, acting as if we face them alone. Yet God is our light and our salvation. Since He has redeemed us, we have nothing to fear.

Romans 8:31 (ESV) If God is for us, who can be against us?

We must pray that Christ, our light and our salvation, comforts us and strengthens our faith.

In a Lutheran layman's terms, no, the "Gates of Hades" will not open up today, but even if they do, then the great news is that "the Lord is my light and my salvation." Believe that!

NOTE: As you know, I am a newly converted Confessional Lutheran who recently escaped American Evangelicalism. That being said, please contact me ASAP if you believe that any of my "old beliefs" seem to have crept their way into any of the material you see published here, and especially if any of the content is not consistent with our Confessions and Lutheran doctrine (in other words, if it's not consistent with God's Word, which our Confessions merely summarize and point us back to) so that I can correct those errors immediately and not lead any of His little ones astray (James 3:1). Finally, please be aware that you might also discover that some of the earlier pieces I wrote on this blog back in 2013 definitely fall into that category since I was a "Lutheran-In-Name-Only" at the time and was completely oblivious to the fact that a "Book of Concord" containing our Confessions even existed. In addition, there are some entries that are a little "out there" so-to-speak since the subject matter was also heavy influenced by common Evangelical concerns/criticisms that aren't that big a deal for us Lutherans. I know that now and I'm still learning. Anyway, I decided to leave those published posts up on this website and in cyberspace only because we now have this disclaimer and only to demonstrate the continuing work of Christ and the Holy Spirit in my life (Hebrews 12:2; Philippians 1:6). Finally, please know that any time we engage in commenting on and/or interpreting a specific portion of the holy Scriptures, it will always follow the verse-by-verse notes from my Lutheran Study Bible unless otherwise noted. Thank you for stopping by and thank you in advance for your time, help, and understanding. Grace and peace to you and yours!


About JKR

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend.

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